No Bake Cakes Pdf Book

Easy Vegetarian Recipes Cooking Pdf

 Easy Vegetarian Cooking Pdf

Cooking vegetarian meals has never been easier!
“Easy vegetarian cooking” covers its topic in a way that makes it an excellent choice, especially for new vegetarians.

The cookbook begins with a summary of the vegetarians’ nutrition needs and sources for the “tricky” nutrients. The second part of the Introduction presents the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate and explains why this guideline is preferable to various Vegetarian Food Pyramids.

˃˃˃ The heart of this cookbook is the chapter containing a month’s worth of balanced, delicious and filling vegetarian recipes for quick dinners including:
- French ratatouille with baked parmesan polenta

- Bell pepper and mushroom pizza

- Sun-kissed vegetable quiche

- Potato salad with green peas, carrots and apples

- Spicy green beans with quinoa

- Multivitamin lentil salad

- Greek salad with young potatoes

Written primarily for lacto-ovo vegetarians (vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy products), this cookbook will also work well for intermittent vegetarians (omnivores who go meatless from time to time) and semi-vegetarians. Some of the recipes are suitable for vegans...........

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